Calidad de Impacto S.A.C.

Main products: Bibs; towels for babies; baby clothes; all sizes; all colors; all materials.

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Calidad de Impacto S.A.C Its a company that has 3 years on the South American market. We have all the appropiate machines, people, and supplies, to make the best bibs and other babys supplies, of the world. At a very good price. We also make products at your service.

Basic Information

Business TypeTrading Company
Company NameCalidad de Impacto S.A.C.
Factory LocationAv. Federico Galesi 749 Ofic. L-M, San Miguel, Lima, Peru Linyi,Shandong
Main MarketsNorth America , South America , Eastern Europe
Main ProductsBibs; towels for babies; baby clothes; all sizes; all colors; all materials.
Number of Workers101 - 200 People
We ProvideBibs; towels for babies; baby clothes; all sizes; all colors; all materials.
Year Established2001

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